Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Teachings of Mother3[Ahnsahnghong,Heavenly Mother,God the Mother,World Mission Society Church of God]

World Mission Society Church of God , we follow God's teaching and believe in Christ Ahnsanghong and Heavenly Mother (God the Mother) that is source of the water of life in the last days.

Being arrogant means wanting to be served.

Though others do not work, we should not complain but do our work faithfully.
 Having the mind of a master allows us to work with pleasure and ease.

Baptism[Ahnsahnghong,Heavenly Mother,God the Mother,World Mission Society Church of God]

World Mission Society Church of God , we follow God's teaching and believe in Christ Ahnsanghong and Heavenly Mother (God the Mother) who are Saviors in the last days.

Baptism is the first step toward God’s favor, by which we receive the forgiveness of sins.
So it is compared to the birth  of a baby coming out of the womb. As our body is born out of the womb and then learn the things of the world one by one, so our spirit takes off sins and transgressions through baptism to be born again as the children of God, and then learn God’s providence and the secrtes of the kingdom of heaven.

Ephesians1:7-9 “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness  of sins, in accordance of the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding…”

Without receiving the forgiveness of sins, we can’t have the wisdom to recognize God.
Therefore it is against God’s will to insist that baptism should be practice six or twelve months later. If we want to believe in God, we ought to be baptized first, and then we are to participate in the divine nature through our life of faith. Baptism is a starting point in believing God, and it means the rebirth of our spirits. Therefore is not biblical that everyone should be baptized after having a strong and deep faith.

Through baptism, we have the forgiveness of sins and are born against as a new life, just as Jesus was raised from dead, and our names are written in the book of life in heaven. That is why we are baptized. If we are  not baptized, we can’t keep the Passover.
And unless we keep the Passover, our names can’t be written in the book of life.
We must be baptized and keep the Passover to escape the plagues and to enter the eternal kingdom of heaven.

As Jesus commanded us 2,000 years ago (Matt.28:18-20) we should be baptized in the name of the Father (Jehovah), the name of the Son (Jesus Christ) and in the name of the Holy Spirit (Christ
Ahn Sahng Hong).

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Bride is God the Mother[Heavenly Mother,Ahnsahnghong,World Mission Society Church of God]

World Mission Society Church of God believe in Christ Ahnsahnhong and New Jerusalem Heavely Mother as Saviors in this last ages.

In the last days, we must receive the water of life from the Holy Spirit and the Bride.
The Holy Spirit is the Second Coming Christ in the flesh, who is God the Father.
Then who is the Bride?
She is God the Mother who has come in the flesh.
Some people say that the Bride, God the Mother, is Mary.
However, Mary cannot be God the Mother.
It is because the Bride is the Wife of Jesus the Lamb.

The Spirit[Christ Ahnsahnghong] and The Bride[Heavenly Mother] has come in the flesh according to the prophecies of the Bible. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Jesus’ coming in a cloud for a second time[Ahnsahnghong,Heavenly Mother,God the Mother,World Mission Society Church of God]

World Mission Society Church of God believes in The Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong and Jerusalem Mother(Heavenly Mother) who came to this earth according to all prophecies of the Bible

At first, we need to carefully study Jesus’ first coming, because He was also prophesied to come in a cloud. If this prophecy meant that He would come in a physical cloud of the sky, the people who do not believe will fall into destruction. But if this prophecy meant that He would come in the flesh?and not on an actual cloud?then those who insist on His coming on a physical cloud of the sky will be destroyed.

When Jesus came for the first time, 2,000 years ago, the Pharisees were aware that Elijah would come  before the Messiah (Matt. 17:10-13; cf. Matt. 11:14). Elijah had gone up to heaven in a whirlwind, riding a chariot of fire (2 Kin. 2:11), so the priests, the teachers of the law and the Pharisees, all believed that the Elijah to come would also come down from heaven in a chariot of fire?the same way that he had gone up to heaven. Because of their incorrect beliefs, they failed to receive Elijah?John the Baptist?and persecuted him; thus, they were all destroyed. While they eagerly looked forward to Elijah’s coming in a chariot of fire, Elijah?John?had already been born, as a child, through the body of Elizabeth (Luke 1:57-66).
All of the evildoers who had waited for Elijah’s coming in a chariot of fire were destroyed.

This is God’s warning to us. In the last days, the people who believe that Jesus will come in a physical cloud of the sky will be destroyed.
We should be careful not to follow the Pharisees’ example, and make every effort to study the prophecies of Jesus’ coming in a cloud. The Bible says, “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near,” and, “He will send his angels…and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.”

Most Christians assume that when Jesus comes in a cloud, as the Judge, the earth will be destroyed and the “saved” will be caught in the air to meet Jesus. The Bible says, however, that “when these things begin to take place [when the Son of Man comes in a cloud], stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” The Bible also says that when Jesus comes in a cloud He will gather His elect from the four winds.

In other words, the purpose of Jesus’ coming in a cloud for a second time is not to destroy the earth, but to gather the elect. In order to be recognized as the elect, we must receive the Second Coming Christ who comes in a cloud.

Monday, December 20, 2010

The order of Melchizedek[Ahnsahnghong,Heavenly Mother,God the Mother,World Mission Society Church of God]

World Mission Society Church of God , we believe in The Spirit and The Bride who is Christ Ahnsanghong and Heavenly Mother (God the Mother) that is source of the water of life in the last days.

The Bible is a book of prophecy, testifying about Christ.
Among the many prophecies about Christ, let’s recognize the Second Coming Christ, Ahnsahnghong, through the character Melchizedek.
The order of Melchizedek reveals that Ahnsahnghong is God.
We sincerely hope that you will understand the Christ, who has been hidden for ages, so that you may receive salvation.

In B.C. 1920, Melchizedek, king of Salem, was the only priest who blessed Abraham through bread and wine; he had no father, or mother, or genealogy.
The Bible prophesies that the Second Coming Christ will follow in the order of Melchizedek.
We must recognize the true Christ, who follows in the order of Melchizedek, from the many men who
claim that they are the Second Coming Christ.
Throughout the world, only Christ Ahnsahnghong has followed in the order of Melchizedek.
Therefore, the members of the Church of God receive Him as their God.
Then, what is the order of Melchizedek?
Is Ahnsahnghong? whom the members of the Church of God believe in?
 really the Second Coming Christ, who came in the order of Melchizedek?

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Passover of the New Covenant[Ahnsahnghong,Heavenly Mother,God the Mother,World Mission Society Church of God]

World Mission Society Church of God believes in Christ Ahnsahnghong and New Jerusalem Mother.

The Passover of the New Covenant

When Christians are asked, "Have you received salvation?" they reply, "Yes," but if they are asked, "Do you celebrate the Passover?" most of them will hesitate in answering. Actually, no one can be said to be "saved" without knowing about the Passover.

The Church of God is the only church in the world that celebrates the Passover of the new covenant on the fourteenth day of the first month—by sacred year—as was written in the Bible (Lev. 23:4). The Church of God can celebrate the Passover because the Second Coming Christ, Ahnsahnghong, has restored the Passover that Jesus established two thousand years ago.The Passover is one of the most important feasts that God has granted because God promised to give us the forgiveness of our sins and eternal life through the Passover. Also, by celebrating the Passover, we can escape from all disasters. Even in the Old Testament times, there was a marked difference between the people who celebrated the Passover and the people who did not. Those who did not celebrate the Passover were always destroyed.

In other words, if we do not celebrate the Passover, we cannot have the forgiveness of our sins or eternal life, nor can we be saved from the last disasters. The Church of God, that believes in the prophecies of the Bible, celebrates the Passover—the truth of the Early Church, following the teachings of Christ Ahnsahnghong.  

Teachings of Mother2[Ahnsahnghong,Heavenly Mother,God the Mother,World Mission Society Church of God]

World Mission Society Church of God , We follow God's teaching and believe in The Spirit and The Bride who is Christ Ahnsanghong and Heavenly Mother (God the Mother) that is source of the water of life in the last days.
A beautiful mind has no hate, and brings forth a perfect love.
As Abraham was blessed with the better when he gave in for his nephew Lot, so we are blessed more greatly when we give in for our brothers and sisters.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Teachings of Mother[Ahnsahnghong,Heavenly Mother,God the Mother,World Mission Society Church of God]

World Mission Society Church of God believes in Christ Ahnsahnghong and New Jerusalem Mother who give us water of life. The Saviors in the age of Holy Spirit are the Spirit(God the Father) and the Bride(God the Mother).(Rev 22:17)

It is more blessed to give love than to receive, as God always gives love

When we give glory to God, the glory returns to us

Church of God preach the love of Jerusalem Mother and Christ Ahnsahnghong :) 

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Source of the Water of Life 4 [Christ Ahnsahnghong, God the Mother, heavenly Mother, World mission society church of God]

World mission society Church of God believes in the Sprit and bride[Christ Ahnsahnghong and New Jerusalem Mother] who give us water of life.  The saviors in the age of holy Spirit are the Spirit and the Bride.

This prophecy in Ezekiel is also written in Revelation.

Rev 22:1-2 Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.

Here, where is the water of life flowing from? (The throne of God)
What does the throne of God represent? The throne of God represents Jerusalem. (Jer 3:17)
Whom does Jerusalem, where the water of life flows from, represent?
Jerusalem, the source of the water of life, represents heavenly Mother.
So, Heavenly Jerusalem our Mother gives us the water of life in the last days.

The prophecy of the Prophet Ezekiel and that of Apostle John are the same.
It is because both said that the trees of life would bear fruit on the banks of the river of the water of life and that their leaves would heal the nations.
Then what kind of glory will be given to those who receive the water of life?

Rev 22:5 There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever.

Who are “they” here?
They are the saints who have received the water of life from Heavenly Mother.
What glory will be given to them who have received the water of life from Heavenly Mother?
They will reign for ever and ever as it is prophesied.
How much glory do the presidents of this world have although they reign for a short time?
But, the saints who have received the water of life will reign for ever and ever.
How great and glorious is this blessing?

This blessing will be given only to the saints who have received the water of life of Heavenly Jerusalem our Mother.

No one can receive eternal life or the glory of heaven without the water of life.
Let's all believe in Heavenly Mother, receive the water of life, and enter the everlasting kingdom of heaven.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Source of the Water of Life3 [Christ Ahnsahnghong, God the Mother, heavenly Mother, World mission society church of God]

World mission society Church of God believes in the Sprit and bride[Christ Ahnsahnghong and New Jerusalem Mother] who give us water of life.  The saviors in the age of holy Spirit are the Spirit and the Bride.

The Old Testament also testifies that Heavenly Jerusalem Mother is the source of the water of life.
First, let's take a look at the prophecy of the Prophet Zechariah.

Zec 14:8 On that day living water will flow out from Jerusalem, half to the eastern sea and half to the western sea, in summer and in winter.

Here, “that day” means the last days.
Where did the Prophet Zechariah prophesy that the water of life will flow out from? (Jerusalem)
What does Jerusalem, the source of the water of life, indicate?
This Jerusalem is not the physical Jerusalem in Palestine.
It represents Heavenly Jerusalem our Mother who will appear in the last days. (Gal 4:26)

The water of life of Heavenly Mother will flow out to the world, half to the eastern sea and half to the western sea.

As Zechariah said that it would flow out “in summer and in winter,”our Heavenly Mother will keep giving us the water of life without rest.

Let's take a look at the prophecy of Ezekiel as well.
He prophesied about the power of the water of life Heavenly Mother gives.

Eze 47:1-2 The man brought me back to the entrance of the temple, and I saw water coming out from under the threshold of the temple toward the east (for the temple faced east). The water was coming down from under the south side of the temple, south of the altar. He then brought me out through the north gate and led me around the outside to the outer gate facing east, and the water was flowing from the south side.

Here, where is the water coming out from? (The temple)
Which temple is this? (Jerusalem)
Whom does Jerusalem, the source of the water of life, represent? (Heavenly Mother)This is a prophecy which shows that Heavenly Jerusalem Mother will give us the water of life.

Now let's study about the power of the water of life.
Eze 47:3-5 As the man went eastward with a measuring line in his hand, he measured off a thousand cubits and then led me through water that was ankle-deep. He measured off another thousand cubits and led me through water that was knee-deep. He measured off another thousand and led me through water that was up to the waist. He measured off another thousand, but now it was a river that I could not cross, because the water had risen and was deep enough to swim in--a river that no one could cross.

At first, the water of life was ankle-deep, but later on it became a river that no one could cross.
This shows that the water of life will become more and more powerful.
Now, we are watching this prophecy being fulfilled.
The gospel work of Heavenly Mother was faint at first, but now it is being spread throughout Korea and the whole world.  And Heavenly Mother's water of life will make the whole world fresh.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Source of the Water of Life 2[Christ Ahnsahnghong, God the Mother, Heavenly Mother, World mission society church of God]

World mission society Church of God believes in the Sprit and bride[Christ Ahnsahnghong and New Jerusalem Mother] who give us water of life.  The saviors in the age of holy Spirit are the Spirit and the Bride.

Who is the Holy Spirit who gives us the water of life?
The Holy Spirit is God the Father according to the Trinity.
Then who is the Bride that gives us the water of life?
Let's find the answer through the Bible.

Rev 21:9-10 One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last
plagues came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.” And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God.

Whom did the angel tell John that he would show him? (The Bride)
After that, whom did the angel show John? (The heavenly Jerusalem)
The Bride is the heavenly Jerusalem.
Then what is our relationship to the Heavenly Jerusalem?

Gal 4:26 But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.

Who is the Jerusalem that is above?
Here, “above” means “in heaven.”
So, the heavenly Jerusalem is our Mother, the Bride of the Holy Spirit.

Since the Bride of the Holy Spirit is our Mother, who is the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit is our Father.

Therefore in the last days, our Heavenly Father and our Heavenly Mother give us the water of life.

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Source of the Water of Life 1 [Christ Ahnsahnghong, God the Mother, heavenly Mother, World mission society church of God]

World mission society Church of God believes in the Sprit and bride[Christ Ahnsahnghong and New Jerusalem Mother] who give us water of life.  The saviors in the age of holy Spirit are the Spirit and the Bride.

Water is essential to all living creatures. It is because no living creature can live without water. For example, let's take a look at the human body. 70% of the human body is made of water. If our body loses 1 or 2% of that water, we will suffer from extreme thirst. If our body loses 1 or 2% of that water, we will suffer from extreme thirst.
So, it is not too much to say that water is life itself. So, it is not too much to say that water is life itself. In the same way, we absolutely need the water of life to sustain our spiritual life.
In the same way, we absolutely need the water of life to sustain our spiritual life.

Rev 22:17 The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.

The Holy Spirit and the Bride give us the water of life. So, all mankind can receive the water of life only when they believe in the Holy Spirit and the Bride.

[Christ Ahnsahnghong, God the Mother, heavenly Mother, World mission society church of God]

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

[Ahnsahnghong]-Where does the second coming Jesus come? (Heavenly Mother, God the Mother)

The Church of God believes in Christ Ahnsahnghong  and Heavenly Mother who came as Saviors in the age of Holy Spirit according to all prophecies of the Bible. 

All words of the Bible were written as prophecy. The most important contents is the savior in this age..
If we wanna get the salvation, we must know the savior..

God came this earth for our salvaion. then where did he come?

Isa. 41:2~4 "Who has stirred up one from the east, calling him in righteousness to his service? He hands nations over to him and subdues kings before him. He turns them to dust with his sword, to windblown chaff with his bow. He pursues them and moves on unscathed, by a path his feet have not traveled before. Who has done this and carried it through, calling forth the generations from the beginning? I, the LORD--with the first of them and with the last--I am he." 』

This prophecy means that God Himself will come in the flesh, from the east.
then, exactly where is the east?

Isa. 46:11 From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I do.』

Among the east, from a far-off land..
Jerusalem is the standard and the east from Jerusalem is Korea.
Let`s look at the map.

As you see, although Korea is a small country at the ends of the east, it is a holy land, appointed as the place where God would come for a second time

Christ Ahnsahngong is surely our God who came this earth according to all prophecies.
So, Church of God (WMS COG) believes in God the father Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother(Heavenly Mother).

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Your Hometown Is Heaven - [Ahnsahnghong, God the Mother, Heavenly Mother, World Mission Society Church of God]

World mission society Church of God , We follow God's teaching and believe in The Spirit and The Bride who is Christ Ahnsanghong and Heavenly Mother (God the Mother) that is source of the water of life in the last days.
Your Hometown Is Heaven

  • Where are we from?
  • where are we going after we die?
Though many philosophers, theologians and scientists have searched the answer to the meaning of life for centuries, they couldn't even suggest a theory without contradicting themselves.
Without knowing the meaning of life people are wandering, being tied up with their jobs and face death.
Just as leaves fall dawn, being blown by the wind, our life is but an empty dream like fallen leaves.

There is something important hidden in our life.

The Bible teaches that death means "to return" to heaven. (Ecc 12:7)
"To return" means to go back to where you came from.
Before God created the earth, you were in heaven.

"where were you, Job, when I made the earth?
You were in heaven and have lived so many years!" (Job 38:1-21)

God taught Job that before he was born on earth, he had been in heaven.
Just like Job, we were also in heaven before we were born on the earth.

While we are on the earth, our body is a "tent" where our soul dwells for a while.(2 Co 5:1)
Therefore, the apostles taughe by Jesus called humankind "aliens" and "strangers."
They Knew our home country is "heaven." (Heb 11:13)

In heaven, where there is no limit of time, space and speed, we committed sin.
Mankind was cast down to the earth, losing its memories of heaven.
Groaning in the pain of sins, people are trembling in fear of all kinds of disasters.

Don't you miss our beautiful and glorious home?
Is there no way to go back to our glorious heavenly home?
Only when we find the answer, can we return.

Two thousand years ago, Jesus came and taught us how we can receive the forgiveness of sins we committed in heaven and opened the way to the kingdom of heaven. (Mt 26:26)

In this age, the Spirit and the Bride restored the lost Passover,
and lead us to our eternal home, Heaven.
I hope you keep the restored Passover and return to our heavenly home you miss.
We invite you to our eternal home, Heaven
The Church of God

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Christ Ahnsahnghong, God the Mother, Heavenly Mother

World Mission Society Church of God believes in Christ Ahnsahnghong and New Jerusalem Mother.
Heavenly Family and Earthly Family 2
Then, how can we become the heavenly family members?
Family is related by blood. Children inherit the blood of their parents.
Earthly family is a shadow of the heavenly family.

Heavenly children inherit the blood of heavenly Parents.
How can we inherit the blood of heavenly Parents?

Lk 22:20 “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.”

What does Jesus’ blood refer to? It is the Passover wine.
Through the Passover, we inherit the blood of heavenly Parents. And when we keep the Passover, we can call God “Father, Mother.”The Passover testifies that we are the children of heavenly Parents.
Then, what does it mean that we become God’s children?
It means that we inherit the eternal kingdom of heaven as God’s heirs.
What an overwhelming glory is this?

Ro 8:16-18 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs―heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.

Even if it is hard, let us overcome with courage and pride.

Christ Ahnsahnghong, God the Mother, Heavenly Mother

World Mission Society Church of God believes in the Spirit and bride[Father Anhsahnghong and God the Mother], who give us water of life. The saviors in the age of holy Spirit are the Sprit and the Bride. They are our Gods, who give us eternal life.

Heavenly Family and Earthly Family 1

Earthly systems are a copy and shadow of the heavenly systems. Among them, family system
is also a copy and shadow of the heavenly family.

Heb 8:5 They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven.

Earthly sanctuary is a copy and shadow of the heavenly sanctuary.
How can we understand the sanctuary in heaven?
We can understand it through the earthly sanctuary.
It is because the earthly sanctuary is a copy and shadow of the heavenly sanctuary.
It is the same with the family system.
How can we understand the family in heaven?

The earthly family is a copy and shadow of the heavenly family.
We can understand it through the earthly family.
Earthly family consists of a father, mother and their children.
What about the heavenly family, then?
Heavenly family also consists of a Father, Mother and Their children.
Let’s confirm this through the Bible.

Among family members, let’s find out about the father first.

Heb 12:9 Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected
them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live!

The Bible teaches us to submit to the Father of our spirits just as we respect our human fathers.
It is because the earthly family is a copy of the heavenly family.
Jesus let us know the Father of our spirits.

Mt 6:9 Our Father in heaven
Jesus said that God is our spiritual Father.

In the heavenly family, there is the spiritual Father. The word “father” implies that he has his children.
 Therefore, there are children as well as a father in the earthly family.
The children call each other brother and sister.
How about the heavenly family, then?
Earthly family is a shadow of the heavenly family.
There are also spiritual children in the heavenly family.

Mt 12:50 For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.

However, does a family consist of only a father and his children?
There has to be a mother who bears the children.
In the earthly family, there is a mother. There is a spiritual Mother in the heavenly family.

Gal 4:26 But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.
Who is the Jerusalem that is above? (Our Mother)

Here, “our” means “God’s children” who are to be saved.
God’s children have their spiritual Mother.
What if we deny our spiritual Mother?
We cannot be a part of the “children” who are to be saved.
What about the church that denies the spiritual Mother?
It cannot be saved because it denies the Bible.

Physical children receive life through their physical mother.
Likewise, spiritual children receive eternal life through their spiritual Mother.
Therefore, we must believe in both the spiritual Father and the spiritual Mother.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

King David and Christ Ahnsahnghong 4 - God the Mother, heavenly Mother, World mission society church of God

 We believe in The Spirit(Christ Ahnsahnghong )
and The Bride(Heavenly Mother) 

The Bible prophesies that many false Christs will appear in the last days.
What is the absolute sign for us to recognize the Second Coming Jesus?
Let's find out the answer in the Bible.

Isa 55:3 Give ear and come to me; hear me, that your soul may live. I will make an everlasting covenant with you, my faithful love promised to David.

God will establish an everlasting covenant to save our souls.
To whom will God grant the everlasting covenant? (David)
According to the Bible, the sign of David is the everlasting covenant.So, the Second Coming Jesus will come as the prophetical David and bring the everlasting covenant.
Then, what is the everlasting covenant?

Heb 13:20 May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep.

We can see here that the eternal covenant has a connection with blood.
Then, whose blood is the blood of the eternal covenant? (Jesus' blood)
The eternal covenant is related with the blood of Christ.
So, the everlasting covenant was established by Jesus' blood.
What is the covenant established in Jesus' blood?
It is the Passover of the new covenant (Lk 22:20).
The sign of the Second Coming Jesus who is David, is the Passover of the new covenant.

Just as Jesus established and preached the new covenant for 3 years at His first coming,
He is to restore the new covenant and preach it for 37 years at His second coming.

In the last days, Christ Ahnsahnghong fulfilled this prophecy.
Christ Ahnsahnghong is the Second Coming Jesus, the prophetical David.

Let's find out about the life of Christ Ahnsahnghong who fulfilled David's throne.
Christ Ahnsahnghong was born in 1918.
According to the prophecy of the fig tree, He was baptized at 30, in 1948
and preached the new covenant for the remaining 37 years of David's throne.
In 1985, the 37th year, He ascended to heaven
Christ Ahnsahnghong foretold that He would pass away after preaching for 37 years, four years before His death.The following was a n article in a Weekly Religion Magazine (March 18, 1981).
Unknown New Religion -
『The Church of God believes that the Second Coming Christ is to appear in this age and that he is to appear in the flesh with eyes, nose, mouth and ears. The Church of God explains, “Jesus has to come a second time in the flesh because the new covenant he established at his first coming was abolished during the Dark Ages. So the Lord himself has to come again to restore the truth of life, the new covenant, and to seek his people.” “The Second Coming Jesus has to come to the earth in secret and pass away after preaching the gospel 37 years. The reason he has to preach for 37 years is because David reigned on the throne for 40 years, but Jesus was crucified after preaching for only three years, so the Second Coming Jesus has to preach for 37 years so that he can complete the 40-year reign,”says the Church of God.』

Can a man know beforehand when he will be born and when he will die?
However, Christ Ahnsahnghong came according to the prophecy of the Bible,
and foretold that He would pass away after fulfilling David's throne, four years before His death.

Therefore, Christ Ahnsahnghong is the Second Coming Christ whom the Bible testifies about,
and King David we have to seek and fear in the last days.

Let's receive salvation by believing in Christ Ahnsahnghong, the spiritual David.

King David and Christ Ahnsahnghong 3 - God the Mother, heavenly Mother, World mission society church of God

World mission society Church of God believes in Christ Ahnsahnghong and New Jerusalem Mother.The saviors in the age of Holy Spirit are the Spirit(God the Father, Ahnsahnghong) and the Bride(God the Mother). They are our Gods who give us eternal life.

Why do you think Jesus was prophesied to reign on the throne of David?
It is because Jesus is closely related to David.
Let's find out the prophetical relationship between David and Jesus concerning the throne of David.

2 Sa 5:4 David was thirty years old when he became king, and he reigned forty years.

At what age was David anointed to become king? (At 30)
How long did David reign over Israel? (40 years)
David was anointed at the age of 30 and reigned over Israel for 40 years.
David's throne was fulfilled by Jesus Christ.
Let's find out the fulfillment of the prophecy in the Bible.

Lk 3:21-23 When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too . . . Now Jesus himself was about thirty
years old when he began his ministry.

At what age was Jesus baptized? (At 30)
Jesus could have been baptized at the age of 20 or 40.
Why was He baptized and preached the gospel at the age of 30?
It was because He had to fulfill the prophecy of David's throne.
Just as David was anointed and became king at the age of 30,
So Jesus was baptized at the age of 30 and preached the gospel.
David represents Jesus.

Then, how long must Jesus preach the gospel?
Just as David reigned for 40 years, so Jesus had to preach the gospel for 40 years.
Did Jesus preach for 40 years?
How long did Jesus preach at His first coming? (three years, Lk 13:6)
What about the remaining 37 years?
All the prophecies of the Bible must be fulfilled. (Mt 5:18, 24:35)
Jesus will appear a second time to fulfill the remaining 37 years of David's throne.

 Heb 9:28 so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.

This is a prophecy about Jesus' second coming.
When Jesus comes again, He must complete David's throne.
Then, how long is the Second Coming Jesus to preach the gospel?
The Second Coming Jesus is to preach the gospel for 37 years.

And what is the purpose of His second coming? (To bring salvation)
Jesus comes a second time to save all mankind.
That is why the prophet Hosea prophesied that only those who seek David in the last days will be saved. (Hos 3:5)

Then, how will Jesus come again?
2,000 years ago, Jesus came in the flesh and sat enthroned as King David.
Likewise, Second Coming Jesus will also come in the flesh and fulfill the prophecy of David's throne.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

King David and Christ Ahnsahnghong 2 - God the Mother, heavenly Mother, World mission society church of God

World mission society Church of God believes in Christ Ahnsahnghong and New Jerusalem Mother. 
The saviors in the age of Holy Spirit are the Spirit[Christ Ahnsahnghong] and the Bride[God the Mother]. They are our Gods, who give us eternal life.

Who is the prophetical David?
Let's find out who the prophetical David is in the Bible.

Isa 9:6-7 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it
with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever . . .

This is the prophecy about Jesus to reign on David's throne.

Let's check the fulfillment of this prophecy.

Lk 1:31-32 You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David,

Who fulfilled the prophecy of the prophet Isaiah? (Jesus)
Christ Jesus was given the throne of David as the prophetical David.

King David and Christ Ahnsahnghong 1 - God the Mother, heavenly Mother, World mission society church of God

World mission society Church of God believes in Christ Ahnsahnghong and New Jerusalem Mother and preaches the love of God the Father and God the Mother.
They are our Gods who give us eternal life.

The Bible consists of a series of deep and mysterious secrets. Among them, let's study about the Second Coming Christ through the secret hidden in the life of David

Hos 3:5 Afterward the Israelites will return and seek the LORD their God and David their king. They will come trembling to the LORD and to his blessings in the last days.

“The last days” here indicates these days. This prophecy is to be fulfilled in our age.
Whom should we seek in the last days to receive God's blessings, salvation? (David)
So, our salvation in this age depends on David.

Then, who is David we should seek in the last days?
The book of Hosea was written about 250 years after David died. So, David whom we should seek in the last days is
the prophetical David.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Elohim God(4)-Ahnsahnghong,World Mission Society Church of God,God the Mother,Heavenly Mother

World Mission Society Church of God believes in The Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong and Jerusalem Mother(Heavenly Mother) who came to this earth according to all prophecies of the Bible

In the book of Genesis, it is written that God created humanity in His own image. Through this we can understand that God has two images: male and female.
Gen 1:26-27 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness..." So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
In the original text of the Old Testament written in Hebrew, God is mostly described in the plural term Elohim, referring to Gods. In the New Testament we can also find testimony about God the Father and God the Mother.
Elohim God, who created man in the beginning, will appear as the Spirit and the Bride in the last days.
Rev. 22:17 The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life
Then who is the Bride of the Holy Spirit?

Rev 21:9-10 One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and said to me, "Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb."
And he...showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God.

Galations 4:26 But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our Mother.
Elohim God is our Father Christ AhnSahngHong and Heavenly Mother Jerusalem who are testified throughout the Bible.
God bless you

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Elohim God(3)-World Mission Society Church of God,Ahnsahnghong,God the Mother,Heavenly Mother

"World Mission Society Church of God "
We believe in The Spirit and The bride(Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother (God the Mother)
Elohim will appear in Their own time

God promised that He would appear according to His own timing (1 Tim. 6:15). Let us confirm what form He will appear in.

Rev. 22:17 『The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.』

For our salvation, God always referred to Himself as "us," and then Elohim God appeared-as the Holy Spirit and the Bride-to give us the water of life. In the first book of Timothy, it is written that God alone is immortal and lives in unapproachable light (1 Tim. 6:16). Thus, only the Spirit and the Bride-the Second Coming Christ, Ahnsahnghong, and the New Jerusalem Mother-are immortal and only They have life. Nevertheless, some people boast that they, also, have the power to give life. The people who make such assumptions are greatly mistaken. The Bible says that no one can have life until he or she eats the flesh of the Son of Man and drinks His blood (John 6:53), and Jesus said, "Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead" (Matt. 8:22). Mere human beings, such as ourselves, cannot say that we are alive.

There is no life in us, so we must go to God-Christ Ahnsahnghong and Mother-if we want to receive eternal life and salvation, because They are the only ones who have life. In order to give the everlasting water of life to mortal beings, God came down to this earth in this last age as the Holy Spirit, Ahnsahnghong, and the Bride, the New Jerusalem Mother.
People who pervert or deny this Biblical teaching will never be able to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Let's believe in The Spirit(Christ Ahnsahnghong) and the bride(Heavenly Mother, God the Mother) who give us the water of life. :)

Elohim God(2)-World Mission Society Church of God,Ahnsahnghong,God the Mother,Heavenly Mother

"World Mission Society Church of God has received Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong, God the Father, and the heavenly Jerusalem, God the Mother"

Elohim God revealed in the book of Genesis
Let us confirm that there is both a male and a female image of God, through the book of Genesis.
Gen. 1:26-27 『Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness,"…So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.』
Both males and females were created in the image of God, and thus it is clear that God has two images: a male image and a female image. When God said, "Let us make man in our image," God used the word "us"-a plural term-instead of using "me." We come to understand that not one God, but two Gods-(God the Father and God the Mother)-worked together during the Creation. Such plural terms are used to describe God in Genesis chapter 11, also.
Gen. 11:1-7 『…The LORD said…"Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other."』
This verse, too, makes reference to Elohim God, the same God who created male and female (in Genesis chapter 1), saying, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness." In Genesis chapter 11, God was responding to the arrogance of the people, who had collectively built the tower of Babel. Through this situation, God testifies that there exists a God the Mother as well as a God the Father by saying, "Let us go down…" !!
Elohim God revealed in the book of Isaiah
We can confirm the existence of Elohim God through the book of Isaiah as well.
Isa. 6:8 『Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"』
When God was searching for a man to preach His words, God said, "Who will go for us?" instead of saying, "Who will go for me?" This reveals that not only God the Father was working, but that there was God the Mother who was working as well!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Elohim God(1)-[Ahnsahnghong,God the Mother,Heavenly Mother,World Mission Society Church of God]

*World Mission Society Church of God believes in Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong, God the Father, and heavenly Jerusalem, God the Mother*

The word "Elohim" directly translates to "Gods." The Bible testifies that God exists in the female image, God the Mother, as well as the male image, God the Father.
World Mission Society Church of God has received Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong, God the Father, and the heavenly Jerusalem, God the Mother.
When people hear the word "God," most immediately think of "God the Father," holding to the fixed idea that only God the Father exists; however, the Bible clearly testifies that there is a God the Mother in addition to a God the Father.
They are the true Saviors : Christ Ahnsahnghong and Jerusalem Mother.

Let us confirm that there is both a male and a female image of God, through the Bible!!