Monday, January 10, 2011

The special church that believes in God the Mother[Ahnsahnghong,Heavenly Mother,World Mission Society Church of God]

The saints of World Mission Society Church of God believe in God the Mother and preach Her. 
The reason is that the Bible testifies about God the Mother. 
We ought to accept not only God the Father but also God the Mother, the secret of God.
The saints of World Mission Society Church of God are the Elohists  
that preach God the Father and God the Mother.

Many Christian couldn’t have a concrete definition of God even though they believe in Him.

They underatand God only as “God of full love”, “God of Peace”. 
We must have a concrete, right definition of God in this actuality.

God teaches that “ God want us to know Himself”,” Let us press on to acknowledge Him”.

Then, how can I acknowledge God?

Apostle Paul testifies as follows…….

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities -His eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being  understood from what has been made,so that men are without excuse.  

We mankind learn reasonableness through nature God created.
God created all things in which God’s noble meaning is hidden so that  we can feel the love and the breath of God. 
God created all nature not only to us enjoy the life but also to represent a measure.

For example, as we can enter into painter’s feeling through his picture, so we can enter into God’s feeling through God’s creatures in which God’s inspiration is hidden.

Namely, we can understand that since God provided for us the creatures through which we can understand God, we can't excuse in front of God in the future.

God's all creatures have father and mother.

Especially, God created man in His image,man has father and mother. 
Here, we must examine carefully.

If only God the father exists, only male exists.

What is the meaning of existence of female?

It indicates that there is clearly God the Mother.

We hope that you all become the true children who accept God the Father and God the Mother. 

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