Monday, March 21, 2011

The New covenant , Passover [Ahnsahnghong,God the Mother,Heavenly Mother,World Mission Society Church of God]

Through the Passover Bread and Wine
-The Church of God is following the teachings of Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother and is the only church in the world that celebrates the Passover of the new covenant-

Father Christ Ahnsahnghong made the new covenant through the passover bread and wine.
God Ahnsahnghong promised us eternal life.
We do believe the word of life ;
"this bread is Father’s holy body for us, this cup is Father’s precious blood poured out for us."
O new covenant for the eternal life for us.
till the end we will keep the new covenant.

Our God the Mother gives Her flesh and blood through the passover bread and wine.
God the Mother [Heavenly Mother] promised us eternal life.
We do believe the word of life ;
"this bread is Heavenly Mother’s holy body for us, this cup is Heavenly Mother’s precious blood cleansing us from all our sins.
We can become the members of our heavenly family through the new covenant,Passover.

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