Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Spring of the Water of Life is Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother[Ahnsahnghong,God the Mother,Heavenly Mother,World Mission Society Church of God]

Word of God ( Christ Ahnsahnghong ) is being preached to the whole world.
The love of God the Mother ( Heavenly the Mother ) is being preached to the whole world.

Let's take some time to realize the love of God(Christ Ahnsahnghong), who leads all mankind to the spring of the water of life, by studying about the fountain of living water.

God leads the thirsty souls to the spring of the water of life. The Apostle John saw in a vision the spring of the water of life and wrote:

Rev 7:15-17 『". . . Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat. For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."』

Rev 21:2-4 『I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God . . . "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes . . ."』

In Revelation 7 it is written that the Lamb will be our Shepherd, lead us to springs of living water and wipe away every tear from our eyes. In Revelation 21 it is stated that the dwelling of God is with men, and that He will live with us and wipe every tear from our eyes. Here, we need to know who the God that lives with us, as the spring of the water of life, is.

Zec 14:8 『On that day living water will flow out from Jerusalem, half to the eastern sea and half to the western sea, in summer and in winter.』

Gal 4:26 『But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.』

Since the Bible says that living water will flow out from Jerusalem, the source of the water of life is Jerusalem. And the Jerusalem is our God the Mother(Heavenly Mother). God our Father Christ Ahnsahnghong has led all the thirsty souls to Jerusalem Mother(God the Mother), who is the spring of the water of life, so that they will never hunger or thirst again and will enter the eternal kingdom of heaven where nothing will harm us, neither the sun nor any burning heat.

It is written that the Lamb is our shepherd and guides us beside the spring of the water of life, so there will be no more tears. For God washes away all our tears we have shed?tears of pain and sorrow, tears of repentance, tears of thanksgiving, etc., and grants us eternal heavenly salvation. In the desert of faith toward the kingdom of heaven, the Lamb has led us beside the spring of living water, and the spring of living water gives us the water of life that wells up continually, so that we will gain spiritual strength and won't get exhausted.

Jerusalem Mother who gives us the water of life

The Bible teaches us that the spring of the water of life is the heavenly Jerusalem, our Mother. Still, there are people who refuse to come to Jerusalem. To such people, the Bible gives a warning as follows:

Zec 14:16-19 『Then the survivors from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up year after year to worship the King, the Lord Almighty, and to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles. If any of the peoples of the earth do not go up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord Almighty, they will have no rain . . . The Lord will bring on them the plague he inflicts on the nations that do not go up to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles . . .』

The Bible says that those who do not go up to Jerusalem will have no rain. This means that those who do not believe in Jerusalem Mother and do not come into Her arms will never quench their spiritual thirst.

Rev 22:17 『The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.』

Streams of living water will flow from within those who believe in the Spirit and the Bride. No one can drink the water of life unless he receives Mother and comes to Zion where Mother dwells.

We should be proud of the fact that Jerusalem our Mother, who is the spring of the water of life, lives with us. The Bible clearly prophesies that Babylon will fall in the end, no matter how great it is. Farmers are never pleased with weeds no matter how prosperous they are. Even the prosperous weeds cannot but wither and die without water. Here, we need to think of why God made every living creature unable to live without water.

Now Elohim(Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother) are gathering Their children from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens, in order to give them the water of life. To Their children who believe in Their names, They give the water of life so that they can have eternal life and will never thirst, and help them to do everything.

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